Dialogs Re-enacted Across Languages (DRAL) Corpus: 48 kHZ releases.
Download DRAL-2.0.tgz (October 28, 2022. 14 GB)
Download DRAL-3.0.tgz (supplement to DRAL 2.0, includes: patches for EN-009 and ES-009; new conversations, including in Bengali and French; and revised metadata covering both the 2.0 and 3.0 files. November 17, 2022. 0.9 GB)
Download DRAL-4.0.tgz (new increment, supplementing the DRAL 2.0 and DRAL 3.0 releases; includes revised metadata for everything in all releases; has about 30 files of poor-quality data that will be fixed in the next release. January 6, 2023. 10 GB)
Download DRAL-5.0.tgz (new increment, supplementing the previous releases, including about 370 new short-fragment pairs, revised metadata for everything in all releases, and patches for the bad files in DRAL 4.0. March 21, 2023. 6 GB)
Download DRAL-6.0.tgz (new increment, supplementing the previous releases, including over 200 new short-fragment pairs, revised metadata for everything in all releases, and patches for the bad files in previous releases. April 28, 2023. 5 GB)
Download DRAL-6.1.tgz (new increment, including metadata corrections and other small additions and corrections. May 30, 2023. 111 MB)
Download DRAL-7.0.tar.gz (new increment, June 27, 2023. 7.3 GB)