and Cognition,
to appear
of February 16, 2005
of Texas at El Paso
I thank Takeki Kamiyama for phonetic label checking, Gautam Keene and Andres
Tellez for pragmatic function labeling and discussion, and all those who let me
record their conversations. For
general discussion I thank Daniel Jurafsky and Kazutaka Maruyama. I would also like to thank Keikichi
Hirose, the Japanese Ministry of Education, the Sound Technology Promotion
Foundation, the Nakayama Foundation, the Inamori Foundation, the International
Communications Foundation the Okawa Foundation and the National Science
Foundation for support. Most of
this work was done at the University of Tokyo.
of Texas at El Paso
Paso, TX 79968-0518
Note: Nigel Ward received a Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley
in 1991. From 1991 to 2002 he was
with the University of Tokyo. His
primary research interest is human-computer interaction, especially sub-second
responsiveness in spoken dialog systems.
Abstract: Sounds like h-nmm, hh-aaaah, hn-hn,
unkay, nyeah, ummum, uuh, um-hm-uh-hm, um and uh-huh occur
frequently in American English conversation but have thus far escaped
systematic study. This article
reports a study of both the forms and functions of such tokens in a corpus of
American English conversations.
These sounds appear not to be lexical, in that they are productively
generated rather than finite in number, and in that the sound-meaning mapping
is compositional rather than arbitrary.
This implies that English bears within it a small specialized
sub-language which follows different rules from the language as a whole. This functions supported by this
sub-language complement those of main-channel English; they include low-overhead
control of turn-taking, negotiation of agreement, signaling of recognition and
comprehension, management of interpersonal relations such as control and
affiliation, and the expression of emotion, attitude, and affect.
English conversations are sprinkled with large variety of non-lexical sounds,
as suggested by Table 1. Along
with such familiar items as oh, um, and uh-huh, there are a large number
of less common sounds such as h-nmm, hh-aaaah, hn-hn, unkay, nyeah, ummum,
uuh and um-hm-uh-hm.
Similar variety is also seen in Swedish (Allwood & Ahlsen 1999), German (Batliner et al.
1995) and Japanese (Ward 1998).
aspects of non-lexical items in conversation have been studied, the less common
sounds have mostly escaped notice.
In particular four basic questions have not been raised, much less
addressed: first, the reason for such a large variety of sounds, second, what
they all mean, third, their role in human communication, and fourth, their
cognitive status.
structure of this paper is as follows.
The first three sections illustrate the phenomena, survey the current
state of knowledge, explain the practical importance, and outline the overall
approach. Section 4 presents a
phonetic description and argues that most non-lexical conversational items,
including both the rare and the common forms, are productive combinations of 10
component sounds. Sections 5, 6,
and 8 present meanings for each of these component sounds and evaluate the
power of a Compositional Model, in which the meaning of a non-lexical token is
the sum of the meanings of the component sounds. The methods used to identify and check these meanings are
presented as they arise, but mostly in Sections 2, 5, and 7. Sections 9 and 10 explore how the model
helps clarify the role of non-lexical utterances in human communication and
their relationship to phenomena such as interjection and laughter. Section 11 summarizes.
The Need for an Integrative Account
several reasons an integrative account of non-lexical items in conversation is
needed. Although aspects of these
phenomena have been addressed by a large number of studies, undertaken with a
variety of aims, there has as yet been no attempt to integrate the findings. This section explains why it is worth doing
although there are many studies which have focused on one or a few of these
items, the big picture has been missing.
That is, there has been no attempt to explain how these items function
as a system, meaning that, for example, there is no account of how speakers can
chose among these items, especially the less common ones.
lack hinders the construction of more useful spoken-dialog systems, in that
non-lexical items have the potential to let spoken dialog systems give the user
better, more motivating feedback, to deliver information more efficiently and
smoothly, and in general to make human-computer more pleasant (Schmandt 1994;
Shinozaki and Abe 1998; Thorisson 1996; Rajan et al. 2001; Iwase & Ward
1998; Ward 2000a; Ward & Tsukahara 2003). This lack also hampers learners of English as a second
language Gardner 1998). Today
there is no model or resource that describes even approximately, for example,
the relation between uh and uh-huh, the ways in which the
meaning of uh-huh resembles and differs from that of uh-hn,
and when people use myeah
instead of yeah. Thus, as a
supplement to more detailed studies, a big-picture account would have great
practical value.
although there have been detailed studies of non-lexical utterances within
certain roles, especially disfluencies and back-channels, there has been little
work looking at the distribution of non-lexical items across such roles. This lack of category-spanning studies
is unfortunate since, as McCarthy (2003) notes, many of these sounds are
multi-functional. This is seen
also in Table 2 for example, oh occurs both as a back-channel and
turn-initially. An integrative
account has the potential to reveal broader generalizations.
although there have been on the one hand several phonetically sensitive studies
of non-lexical utterances, and on the other hand many pragmatically
sophisticated studies of their use in conversation and a few controlled
experiments, there has been little connection between the two: the phonetically
sensitive work has said little about those variations which are common in
conversation or cognitively significant, and conversely the work based on
conversation or dialog data has not paid much attention to phonetic variation. An integrative account, looking at
variations in form and variations in meaning together, has the potential to
improve our understanding of both aspects.
of course, the reason to seek an integrative account lies is the hope that it will
be simpler overall.
3. Approach
To seek an integrative account it was
necessary to approach the phenomena in a novel way.
3.1 Working with a Mid-Size Corpus
The basic strategy adopted was to take a
mid-sized corpus of casual conversations and try to understand and explain
everything about all of the non-lexical utterances. By looking at all occurrences it was easier to notice the
relations between items and to examine items across a variety of functional and
positional roles.
Conversations were used, rather than
task-oriented dialogs or controlled dialog fragments, to allow the study of
diverse dialogs and rich interactions, giving a broader view of when and how
non-lexical utterances are used.
Analysis was limited to a mid-size
corpus, rather than a large one, in order to allow a reasonably thorough
examination of the phonetics and pragmatics of each occurrence. This also made it possible for all the
analysis to be done by listening directly to the data, without having to rely
on transcriptions.
A home-made corpus, rather than a standard one, was used
because the author was familiar with it, as the sound engineer recording the
conversations, as a friend or acquaintance of most of the conversants, and as a
participant in a few of the conversations. (The author's own non-lexical utterances were excluded from
the analysis.) The extra
information this gave was often helpful when interpreting ambiguous utterances.
The corpus used includes 13 different
speakers, male and female, all American, aged from 20 to 50ish, from a variety
of geographical areas. Most of the
conversations were recorded for another purpose (Ward & Tsukahara 200) and
participants were not informed of the interest in non-lexical utterances. In some cases people were brought together
to converse and be recorded, other times the conversations were already in
progress. All recordings had only
two speakers, and in most cases these two were doing nothing but conversing
with each other, although some conversations included interactions with other
people or pets, and one speaker was driving. Recording locations included the laboratory, living rooms, a
conference room, a hotel lobby, a restaurant, and a car. The relationships between conversants
ranged from relatives to close friends to acquaintances to strangers. Most conversations were recorded in
stereo with head-mounted microphones; one was a telephone conversation.
3.2 Looking at a Wide Variety of Items
Given this corpus, the first thing to do
was to identify all the non-lexical items. To avoid missing anything that might be relevant, the
initial definition was made inclusive.
Specifically, all sounds which were not laughter and not words were
labeled as non-lexical items. A
`word' was considered to be a sound having 1. a clear meaning, 2. the ability
to participate in syntactic constructions, and 3. a phonotactically normal
pronunciation. For example, uh-huh
is not a word since it has no referential meaning, has no syntactic affinities,
and has salient breathiness.
Although the distinction between words and non-lexical items is not
clear-cut, as will be seen, this gave a reasonable way to pick out an initial
set of sounds to examine.
To keep the scope manageable, attention
was limited to sounds which seemed at least in part directed at the
interlocutor, rather than being purely self-directed, even if the communicative
significance was not clear. This
ruled out stutters and inbreaths.
The corpus has 316 non-lexical items,
with one occurring about every 5 seconds on average.
3.3 Listening to the Data
Rather than working from transcripts, all
analysis was done by listening.
This probably helped focus attention on the interpersonal aspects of the
dialogs, rather than the information content. This research style was facilitated by the use of a
special-purpose software tool for the analysis of conversational phenomena,
didi (Ward 2003).
However, it being important to pay
attention to the detailed sounds of non-lexical items, these were labeled
phonetically. These labels were always
visible while listening.
The phonetic labeling was done using
normal English orthography, as discussed below. IPA was not used as it provides more detail than was needed,
potentially obscuring generalizations.
This is a common choice in studying dialog, for example Trager (1958)
argued that the study of `vocal segregates’ such as uh-uh, uh-huh,
and uh, requires `less fine-grained’ phonetic descriptions. The labels in the corpus included
annotations regarding prosody and voice, although this information is not shown
in this paper except where relevant.
The labels in the corpus are as seen in Table 1.
Due to concern that native knowledge of
English or theoretical predilections might bias phonetic judgments, about half
of the items, including all difficult cases, were labeled independently or
cross-checked by an advanced phonetics student with little experience of
conversational English and no knowledge of the hypotheses presented below. However no biases were found, and the
remaining items were labeled by the author alone.
3.4 Comparison to Alternative Approaches
Thus the method of analysis is
unusual. Moreover, as will be seen
in Section 5, it relies in part on subjective judgments. Although there are better established
and more powerful methods and theoretical frameworks, none of these seemed
quite appropriate for the task of attaining an integrative account of
non-lexical items. Thus the
approach taken here.
4. A Model of the Phonology
Revisiting Table 1, the variety of
non-lexical items is striking.
Phonological conditioning, a common cause of phonetic variety, can
provide little explanatory power here, since these items mostly occur in
isolation. This section shows how
most of the variation can be accounted for by a relatively simple model.
4.1 Intuitions about Non-lexical
Not only is the variety great, the set of
possible sounds in these roles appears not to be finite. For example, it would not be surprising
at all to hear the sound hm-ha-hn in conversation, or mm-ha-an,
or hm-haun and so on.
However, there are limits: not every possible non-lexical sound seems
likely to be used in conversation.
For example ziflug would seem a surprising novelty, and would be
downright weird in any of the functional positions typical for non-lexical
items. The existence of this
intuition --- that only certain non-lexical sounds are plausible in
conversation --- is a puzzle that has not previously been addressed.
There have, of course, been attempts to
describe the phonetics of such items by identifying all possible phonetic
components (Trager 1958; Poyatos 1975).
However the descriptive systems produced by these efforts cover wider
ranges of sounds, including moans, cries and belches, and so they do not help
with the task of circumscribing the set of conversational non-lexical items.
It is also possible to attempt to
describe the set of possible items in terms of a list. Although it is possible, for purposes
of linguistic theory, to postulate the existence of such a list, actually
making one is problematic. The
best attempts so far have been by researchers who are labeling corpora for
training speech recognizers, who of course have an immediate practical need for
some characterization of these sounds.
For example, the best current labeling of the largest conversation
corpus, Switchboard, uses a scheme (Hamaker et al. 1998) which specifies a
small finite list, where hesitations are represented with one of uh, ah, um,
hm and huh; `yes/no sounds’ are represented with one of uh-huh,
um-hum, huh-uh or hum-um `for
anything remotely resembling these sounds’; and `non-speech sounds during
conversations’ are represented with one of: `laughter’, `noise’ and
`vocalized-noise’. Comparison with
Table 1 reveals how much information is lost by using such a list. Moreover, no mere list can account for
intuitions about which sounds are
plausible: a description in terms of a list of 10 or 100 items gives no
explanation for why hum-ha-hn, but not ziflug, could be the 11th
or 101st observed token.
Of course a list-based model could be
embellished with descriptions of the permitted phonetic variations or sub-forms
--- as in Bolinger's discussion which starts with the claim that `Huh, hunh,
hm is [sic] our most versatile interjection’, and then turns around and
focuses on differences between these three forms. However such a hybrid approach seems unlikely to be concise
or to have much explanatory power.
Thus a satisfactory list-based account of
conversational non-lexical items seems likely to be elusive.
4.2 The Phonetic Components
I propose that many non-lexical
utterances in American English are formed compositionally from phonetic components
(leaving open the vexed question of whether these components are phonemes or
features (Marsen-Wilson & Warren 1994)). This claim is not without precedent: there are a number of
works which have, more or less independently, attempted to characterize variation
in non-lexical expressions in German, Japanese, and Swedish, and have done so
using tables of non-lexical items or lists of rules relating or distinguishing
different tokens (Ehlich 1986; Werner 1991; Takubo 1994; Takubo & Kinsui
1997; Kawamori et al. 1995; Shinozaki & Abel 1997; Ward 1998; Allwood &
Ahlsen 1999; Kokenawa et al. 2004).
These all imply the possibility of an analysis in terms of component
This subsection describes the main
inventory of phonetic components in non-lexical conversational sounds in
American English.
is often present, as seen in uh and uh-huh. (In
conversation this is a schwa, although when stressed, in tokens produced in
citation form, it appears as a lower back vowel.)
/a/ vowel can also be present, as seen in ah, which is distinct from
schwa, at least for some speakers.
/o/ vowel occurs in some sounds, such as oh.
/e/ vowel occurs in yeah and occasionally elsewhere.
and nasalization, of vowels or of the semivowel /j/, is a feature that can be
present or absent, as seen in uh-hn (versus uh-huh),
in uun (versus uh), in nyeah (versus yeah).
can occur in isolation (mm) or as a component, as in um (versus uh),
hm (versus huh) or myeah (versus yeah).
occurs initially in yeah and variants thereof.
occurs in isolation occasionally, as a noisy exhalation or a sigh. /h/ or breathiness is also present in
items such as hm (versus mm), and in the back-channel uh-huh. Some such items involve breathiness
throughout, others involve a consonantal /h/, while others are ambiguous
between these two realizations.
clicks occur often in isolation, and occasionally initially. (Specifically, there are cases where
the click is followed by a voiced sound with no noticeable pause; the delay
from the onset of the click to the onset of voicing ranged from 50 milliseconds
to 170 milliseconds in the corpus for these cases.)
voice (vocal fry) occurs often , including for example on aummm, yeah,
okay, um, hm, aa. Creakiness sometimes spans the entire sound, but other times
is present only towards the end.
The list above is summarized in Table
3. Although this summary may
suggest that these phonetic qualities are binary, for example nasalization
being either present or absent, it seems more likely that the phonetic
components are in fact non-categorical, involving `gradual, rather than binary,
oppositional character' (Jakobson & Waugh 1979). This explains how the set of non-lexical items generated can
be literally not finite.
It is also worth noting that the vowel
identifications are approximate.
Indeed, it is entirely likely that, as found for German hesitation
particles, `the vocalic portions ... have their own quality', distinct from
those used in lexical items (Patzold & Simpson 1995).
For expository convenience, this
phonological analysis is presented here, before the semantic analysis, although
in fact the set of relevant component sounds cannot be determined without
reference to meaning. Actually a
preliminary version of the semantic investigations described below was done
before the list of sound components was drawn up. This is why, for example, the inventory of sounds groups
together consonantal /h/ and breathiness, but not the nasals /m/ and /n/: the
first grouping, but not the second, has a consistent meaning, as will be seen.
The fact that this inventory of sounds is
fairly small makes it possible to concisely specify the phonetic values for all
the labels seen in Table 1. Thus
the non-obvious American English orthographic conventions for non-lexical items
are (slightly regularized) as summarized in Table 4. Other Englishes apparently have other conventions, for
example, British English uses er to represent a sound not unlike
American English uh (Biber et al. 1999). Further discussion of spelling appears elsewhere (Ward
4.3 Rules for Combining Phonetic
The full phonological model includes the
above list of component sounds plus two rules for combining them.
The first way in which sounds are
combined is by superposition. For
example, a sound can be a schwa that is simultaneously also nasal and creaky.
The second way is concatenation. There are probably minor constraints on
this, for example /j/ and /e/ have very limited distributions, and click seems
to appear only initially. These
remain to be worked out.
There seems to be a tendency for these
sounds to have relatively few components, that is, the number of component
sounds in a non-lexical token generally is less than the average number of
phonemes in a word. There is also
a tendency, rather stronger, for the number of different sounds to be
few: most sounds have only one or two, and more than three is rare. This is also seen in the fact that these
sounds often involve repetition.
4.4 The Power of the Phonological Model
The above components and rules constitute
a simple, first-pass model of the phonology of these sounds. In effect, this describes the space of
non-lexical utterances as based on `a phonological system which is different
from those employed in lexical items' (Patzold & Simpson 1995), although
the ultimate status of this phonological system remains to be determined.
However it is relatively easy to evaluate
the model for descriptive adequacy.
Ideally a model should generate all and only the non-lexical utterances
of English.
As far as generating only
non-lexical items, the model does reasonably well. The key explanatory factor is that the inventory of
component sounds excludes most of the phonemes present in lexical items,
including high vowels, plosives, and most fricatives. This provides a partial explanation for native speakers'
intuitions that only certain sounds are plausible as non-lexical items in
conversation. However this model
does overgenerate somewhat; although Section 7.3 explains how it can be
extended to reduce this.
As far as generating all the
non-lexical items, this model does fairly well on this also. Evaluating it against the inventory of
grunts in the corpus, the phonological model accounts for 91% (=286/316). It achieves this performance because,
of course, it includes sound components not present in English lexical
items. However it does not account
for all the non-lexical items. The
exceptions fall into 4 categories.
First, there are 3 breath noises such as throat-clearings and noisy
inhalations. Second there 2 exclamations including rare sounds, namely achh
and yegh. Third, there are
5 items which only seem explicable as word fragments, extreme reductions or
dialectal items, such as i, nu and yei. Finally, there are 20 tokens with
phonemes missing from the model but normal for lexical English, including okay
and wow. This last set
includes items which are only marginally non-lexical, in the sense discussed in
10.2, so it is not entirely surprising that the model fails to handle them
Thus, although the model is not perfect,
it accounts for rare non-lexical tokens and the common ones in the same
way. It is also more parsimonious
and explains intuitions better than the alternative, modeling these items with
a finite list of fixed forms. In
this sense, these sounds are truly non-lexical. Using this model as a base, subsequent sections extend the
analysis to deal with meaning and dialog roles.
5. Methods for Finding Sound-Meaning
Thus it seems that these sounds can be
analyzed in terms of the composition of phonetic components. This leads inevitably to the question:
what do they mean? This is the
topic of this section.
Asking this question presupposes that
sound components of this size can bear meaning. While most morphemes are syllable-sized or larger units,
various studies have found a rich vein of sound-meaning mappings at a lower
level, or ``sound symbolism''.
That is, there exist phonesthemes, sounds which are smaller than normal
morphemes but still bear meaning.
The existence of such mappings is theoretically interesting in that they
violate Saussure's principle of the ``arbitrary nature of the sign'', which
postulates that the meaning of the whole cannnot be predicted from the meanings
of the parts (de Saussure 1915/1959).
However there is a wealth of evidence that sound symbolism is often
productive in non-lexical items and also infuses large portions of the lexicon (Sapir
1929; Hinton et al. 1994; Abelin 1999; Magnus 2000). For example there appears to be a phonestheme common to
words like splash, crash, bash, and mash. In such cases some of the meaning of
the whole is predictable from the meanings of the component phonesthemes.
The specific mappings most commonly
identified in studies of sound-symbolism relate mostly to percepts, including
sounds, smells, tastes, feels, shapes, spatial configurations, and manners of
motion. Thus few of the mappings
previously identified seem relevant to non-lexical items with conversational
functions. There are few
exceptions: some work has discussed or examine the possibility of a
sound-symbolic system operating in discourse particles and related items. Jakobson and Waugh (1979), Ameka (1992)
and Wharton (2003) have noted that sound symbolism may also be present in
interjections. Bolinger (1989), in
his discussion of exclamations and interjections, proposed specific meanings
for vowel height, vowel rounding, and various prosodic features in a variety of
non-lexical items, as detailed below.
Finally, Nenova et al. (2001) examined various non-lexical items in a
corpus of transcripts of task-oriented dialogs. Based on considerations of articulatory effort, they
proposed a distinction between `marked’ items, those which involve
nonsonorants, lengthening, multiple syllables or rounded, noncentral or tense
vowels, and `unmarked' items, those which are composed of only /m/ and
schwa. They showed that marked
items are more common as indicators of “dynamic participation”, as opposed to
the production of neutral back-channels during passive listening. The present paper goes beyond this
level of analysis to ascribe specific meanings to specific sounds.
The analysis methods used in this paper
combine and extend the methods used in these studies. Detailed discussion of the methodological issues appears
after an example of the analysis.
5.1 A First Example: /m/
In fillers, /m/ generally occurs while
the speaker is trying to decide whether to speak or trying to decide what to
say. This is illustrated in
Example 1, where the umm occurs before a substantial pause preceding a
restart of the explanation, in contrast to the uh, which occurs before
minor formulation difficulties.
There is a wealth of statistical and experimental evidence that uh
indicates a minor delay and um a major delay (Fox Tree 2001; Barr 2001;
Clark & Fox Tree 2002) although it may be that only speakers, not
listeners, make this distinction (Brennan & Williams 1995; Barr 2001). Also Smith and Clark (1993) have
observed, in the context of quizzes, that fillers um and am,
compared to uh and ah, generally seem to indicate more
thought. Also, the distributions
of uh, um and umm in Table 2 show that the presence of /m/
correlates with the tendency to appear as a filler, utterance-initial, rather
than as a simple disfluency.
1: (discussing the effects
of speaking rate on phonology) |
1. E: going to be different than if
they’re, uh, talking much more slowly, 2. X: um-hm 3. E: so, umm [3 second pause]
so, uh, the stuff that we did at … |
This meaning for /m/ is seen in
back-channels also. The
contemplation can be directed at various things, including trying to understand
what the interlocutor is saying, trying to empathize with him, or trying to
evaluate the truth or relevance of his statement. For example, in Example 2 M seems to be giving some thought
to the situation X has related; specifically, he seems to be sympathizing and
perhaps contemplating the complexity or inevitability of the situation. As a consequence, this mmm
functions as a polite response, and in contrast to a neutral uh-huh,
which would trivialize the matter, and be rude.
2: (after some talk about
television, children, and violent play) |
1. X: and this video was about
Ultraman … most of it’s not too violent … but there is a little bit of
stabbing and stuff 2.
M: right 3. X: and so he came home and he was
stabbing poor little Henry 4.
M: nyaa-haao 5. X: yeah, I, I felt. 6.
M: mmm 7. X: well, I mean, yeah. <tongue-click> I was pretty
annoyed. |
similar case is seen in Example 3, where T is telling a story, and has just
introduced the people involved.
O's m-hm seems to indicate that he's thinking, perhaps
trying to visualize the complex situation described or perhaps speculating
about what happened next.
3: (T is halfway into a
story involving himself, his son, and his daughter |
1. T: my son was working in Bo-, uh, Boston, actually
Cambridge, at the time 2. O: m-hm |
This can be contrasted with the /m/-less
version, uh-huh, in Example 4, where O responds to a simple
utterance whose point and relevance is immediately obvious.
4: (T and O have just
donned head-mounted microphones for recording) |
1. T: once had to wear one of these
riding in the back seat of an airplane, because the airplane was so noisy 2. O: uh-huh 3. T: that the only way the four people
in it could talk, was with earmuff earphones |
In general, the meaning of /m/ in
non-lexical conversational sounds can be described as follows.
Thought-worthy. People in conversation
sometimes interact relatively superficially and sometimes at a deeper
level. Deeper places in
conversation sometimes involve the sharing of some emotion, but more often just
the communication of something that requires thought. The speaker may mark something said by the other as meriting
thought, or he may mark something that he himself has just said, or is trying
to say, as involving or meriting thought.
This may correlate with the intention or need to slow down the pace of
the conversation in order to give time for this thought or contemplation. Note that deepness in this sense does
not usually involve intellectually deep thinking, just that the conversation
turns relatively deeper for a moment or two.
Of the 57 tokens in the corpus containing
/m/, 49 appeared to be indicating this sort of meaning, and 8 seemed not to.
5.2 Identifying Meanings for Sounds
The first methodological issue to discuss
is that of how to discover and demonstrate that some component sound S has some
specific meaning M. While there
exist good methods for testing a hypothesized S (Magnus 2000), here the primary
task is to discover the S in the first place.
One basic strategy is to seek an M is shared
by all (or most) tokens which include S.
This is the first basic strategy employed in this paper. This can be done using direct evidence
for the presence of meaning M in each case, or indirect evidence, such as the
prevalence of S in tokens serving functional or positional roles which
correlate with M.
However this is not easy; it is well
known that every utterance means many things at many levels (Schiffrin 1987;
Traum 2000; Louwerse & Mitchell 2003). For example, the umm in
Example 1, which was presented as indicating that the speaker was thinking,
might also be interpreted as meaning that he was withdrawing, or becoming
serious, or wanting to slow the pace of the interaction, or foreshadowing the
imminent discussion of something significant, or showing a polite reluctance to
dominate the conversation, or cuing the other to listen closely, or holding the
floor, or hiding something, and so on.
In past, sophisticated studies of some such functions at various levels
have been done, and there are a number of useful frameworks for analysis. These, however, are mostly limited in
that they focus on one level or one type of function. There are, for example, studies which consider some
non-lexical items as discourse particles, connectors, acknowledgements,
continuers, assessments, turn-taking cues, and so on. However, as Fischer (2000) notes, these items `actually form
a more homogeneous group than suggested by the number of different descriptive
labels'. For this reason the
analysis here was not done within any specific theory or framework; rather the
shared meanings were sought bottom-up, by observing similarities across the
The task of the analyst is to examine the
entire set of tokens containing S, and pick out the `best' meaning, that is,
the meaning component M which is (most) common across the set. While examining the data various
possible Ms were kept constantly in mind, namely those identified as important
in previous studies of conversation, non-verbal communication, and
inter-personal interaction. These
include various functions involving discourse structure marking, signaling of
turn-taking intentions, negotiating agreement, signaling recognition and
comprehension, managing interpersonal relations such as control and
affiliation, and expressing emotion, attitude, and affect.
For lack of a formal procedure for
finding the best M, the method used was to simply consider various possible Ms
and see how well each matched the set of tokens which include S. This time-intensive process was simplified
somewhat by homemade tools to help find and quickly listen to all tokens
sharing some phonetic property or semantic annotation. The Ms presented in this article are
the result of iterative refinement to minimize the number of exceptions and
simultaneously avoid unnecessary vagueness. However there is no guarantee that these Ms are in any sense
The second basic strategy for determining
that S means M is to find a minimal pair of non-lexical tokens, one with S
present and one with S absent, and show that the difference in meaning is
M. Sometimes minimal pairs or near
minimal pairs were found in the corpus; if not, sometimes it is possible to
appeal to intuition, considering what it would mean if some non-lexical
utterance in the corpus had occurred instead with some component S added or
Fortunately, for each of the component
sounds studied, except schwa, evidence of both kinds (shared meaning across the
set and difference in a minimal pair) was found, and both types of evidence
pointed to the same meaning M in each case.
5.3 Determining the Meanings of Tokens
Identification of the meaning of a
component sound using the methods above relies heavily on the ability to
identify the meaning of a non-lexical utterance as a whole. This also is not trivial. Two basic sorts of information are
available. The first is the context, primarily the nearby utterances of the
speaker and the nearby utterances of the interlocutor, both before and after
the token: from this it is generally possible to infer how the speaker meant it
and/or how the listener interpreted it.
While these are not invariably aligned, as misunderstandings and willful
misinterpretations do occur, such cases are rare, and in the corpus all
non-lexical sounds appeared to be interpreted compatibly by both speaker and
listener. (Although ultimately a
full understanding will require consideration of non-obvious differences in the
information content of such items to speakers versus listeners (Nicholson et
al. 2003; Brennan & Schober 2001; Corley & Hartsuiker 2003).) The second sort of information is the
way that the utterance sounds in itself, based on native speaker
intuitions. For this study,
meanings are ascribed to non-lexical sounds only if both types of information
are available and consistent.
This means that tokens for which only one
sort of information is available, or where the two sorts of information are in
conflict, are not ascribed meanings; they are characterized below as `unclear
in meaning’. For example, in three
of the tokens including /m/, the token itself, considered in isolation, does
appear to be contemplative, but the context does not suggest any need for the
speaker to be thinking, as in myeah in Example 24 below. (Perhaps the speaker in these cases had
a private thought, not related to the conversation, or perhaps he was
momentarily distracted, producing an utterance that was not strictly
appropriate for the context. As it
happens these 3 cases were all back-channels, where lapses of attention can often
pass unnoticed.) For lack of a
technique for further investigating such examples, such non-lexical utterances
are simply considered to be unclear in meaning and thus providing no evidence
for or against any sound-meaning correspondence.
It is worth stressing that both sorts of
information are subjective, especially the second. There are alternative research methods which minimize or
eliminate subjectivity, for example, controlled psychological experimentation,
acoustical analysis, Conversation Analysis, statistical analysis over large
corpora, and validation with labels by analysts unfamiliar with the
hypotheses. All of these methods
are superior in various ways to the current methods, and ultimately the claims
made here will stand or fall as they are supported or rejected by more powerful
methods. However for the present
purpose, identifying meanings in the first place, the sorts of information
given by simple approaches are adequate.
Another complication for this approach is
that patterns of usage of non-lexical sounds vary across communities. It is well known that the timing and
frequency of non-lexical usage varies with ethnicity, region, and gender
(Erickson 1979; Tannen 1990; Mulac et al. 1998) and the meanings ascribed to
non-lexical tokens almost certainly do also. While such differences are interesting sociolinguistically,
for present purposes they raise a difficulty: there will be examples where the
interpretation presented here will not be shared by all readers. As a partial back-up, all of the claims
in the next section are multiply supported, so that none is dependent on the
interpretation of a single example.
Since subjective interpretations are
unavoidably involved, the main purpose of the dialog excerpts is to allow the
reader engage his or her own intuitions, rather than, say, to support tight
demonstrations that each token must mean what is claimed. Thus the dialog excerpts are presented
concisely and in standard orthography and punctuation, although of course there
exist alternative conventions which are more descriptive in terms of phonetics,
prosody, timing, etc. (Edwards & Lampert 1993; Hutchby & Wooffitt 1999;
Jefferson 2002). Concise
presentation is necessary for another reason also: given the goal of an
integrated account and the concomitant need to examine a large number of
tokens, space does not permit an exhaustive presentation of any single example.
It is not uncommon for people looking at
a non-lexical item to have different interpretations. In my experience most such differences arise not from
dialect differences or fundamentally different judgments, but rather from
noticing different aspects of the dialog; this is the problem of multiple
levels mentioned in the previous subsection. Such different interpretations generally turn out to be
compatible. Differing
interpretations are easier to resolve if the audio itself is available. To give more readers access to this
data, sound waves for the non-lexical items discussed, with timing, pitch and
energy information for the utterances in the contexts, are available at the
website for this paper,, mirrored at
5.4 Using the Compositional Hypotheses
These analysis methods presume that the
meaning of each component sound is evident in the meaning of the whole, or,
more strongly, that the meaning of each non-lexical utterance is
compositional. This is the
Compositional Hypothesis. Its
validity will be discussed later, but for now it is an working hypothesis, and
an essential one, since it makes the investigation possible.
This hypothesis makes analysis possible
but not easy. In particular, the
hypothesis implies that the meaning contributions of all sounds in the token
are also active, in addition to the meaning for the sound under study. Thus contributions of some sounds may
be more salient. For this reason
careful listening is required, to detect not only the obvious meanings but also
the more subtle ones.
This is especially true for prosodic
features, which often seem to be trump cards, dominating other contributions to
the perceived meaning (although Bolinger (1989) probably overstates the case
with the suggestion, with reference to huh, hunh, and hm, that `prosody is
fairly decisive, in fact this interjection might almost be regarded as a mere
intonation carrier'). Fortunately,
highly expressive non-lexical utterances, with complex contours carrying
complex meanings (Luthy, 1983) were rare in this corpus. Indeed, almost all tokens had an almost
flat pitch, so this was not a big problem in practice. Prosody is discussed further in Section
The Compositional Hypothesis also implies
that the sound-meaning mappings are context-independent: that each sound bears
the same meaning regardless of the context. This may not be completely true, for both phonetic context
and discourse context. First, it
is possible that the contribution of one sound could be masked or shifted by
the meaning contributions of neighboring sounds. Second it is clear that the discourse context affects
interpretations; this will be discussed in Section 7.4.
6. Sound-Meaning Correspondences
Having already a meaning for /m/, this
section looks at the other common sound components.
6.1 Nasalization and /n/
5 (C has applied for a
summer-abroad program) |
1. H: I bet you'll hear something
soon. 2. C: I hope so. I just turned that in,
though, like. A couple weeks ago, so. 3. H: yeah (slightly creaky) 4. C: you know what I mean, so 5. H: yeah, it might take a little
longer 6. C: nn-hn |
In Example 5 C's nn-hn seems to
indicate that C had held this opinion all along; it effectively closes out this
topic. Had the sound been uh-huh, without nasalization, it would instead
imply that somehow H had offered new information, and leave open the
possibility of more talk on this topic.
Other nasalized versions, such as uh-hnn would, however, share
the same meaning component seen in nn-hn.
6: (A is illustrating the
difficulty of working with the International Phonetic Alphabet) |
1 A: she had to count them by hand
from the print-out, because she didn't have any way
of searching for these weird control characters 2 J: nyeah-nyeah (low flat
pitch, overlapping as A keeps talking) 3 A: now I mean she could have
gotten something that might have been able to do it, but 4 J:(interrupting) It's a pain, yeah |
Similarly in Example 6, which occurs
moments after J had mentioned a problem of using the IPA for corpus work, the nyeah-nyeah[1]
seems to be serving to remind A of this, that she is already well aware of such
difficulties, and by implication encouraging closure of this topic. An unnasalized yeah-yeah (in the
same flat pitch) here would sound merely bored, without laying claim to prior
The nyaa-haao back in Example 2
line 4 is slightly different. In
this case the fact which it reacts to has not been previously mentioned
explicitly, but it is nevertheless obvious --- from the previous context it is
clear where the story is leading, and when X finally gets to the point, it
seems that M has already seen it coming, as indicated by this nasalized token.
Nasalized non-lexical sounds generally
mean not just that that the speaker has pre-knowledge of something, but that
the something is already established, and known to the interlocutor too. (This `pre-knowledge' is related to the
notions of `old information', `given information' and `common ground', but is
often based on extra-linguistic knowledge.)
In Example 7, V's nn-nnn conveys
not only a negative answer[2]
but also that V is surprised by the question, probably because he considers
that M should have already known the answer, to the extent that his statement
that he slept for most of the train ride implies that he experienced no
problems. A similar usage is
probably also present in the examples of Jefferson's (1978) study, in which she
characterizes 3 nasalized tokens, ne:uh, nyem, and mnuh,
occurring in response to questions, as indicating that the person who asked the
question already `knows the answer’ or should be able to infer it easily.
7: (at the start of a
recording session M throws out a
first topic) |
1 M: So, V, tell me, tell me what
you saw on the train, that, because I slept for an hour
in be-, sort of in the middle 2 V: well, I slept, I slept for most of
the train ride, actually. The
one up here? 3 M: yeah 4 V: the Tokyo, the Tokyo, train ride,
the Shinkansen 5 M: so, did you have a problem with
your ears popping? 6 V: nn-nnn. You did? 7 M: Yeah, I did, actually .. |
Nasalization and /n/ often seem to signal
the following function:
Covering Old Ground.
Conversations often re-cover old ground: things that came up earlier get
repeated or referred back to.
While this may involve literal repetition, it may just be the expression
of things that are obvious or redundant since inferable from what has gone
before. People sometimes indicate
it when they are expressing something that is somehow covering old ground, or
to indicate that they think the other person is doing this, whether
deliberately or inadvertently.
Of the 20 occurrences of nasalized
non-lexical items in the corpus, 12 seem to mark the covering of old ground or
expression of information already known.
Of these, 11 were in reference to something said by the other person (7
after a restatement of something that had already surfaced in the conversation
or was otherwise obvious, and 4 after the other person has said something that
the speaker could have predicted or seems to consider well-known). 1 occurs after the speaker himself has
said something that he appears to consider well known, as part of an apparent
bid to close out the topic. There
are 4 cases which seem to lack any meaning of pre-knowledge[3]. 4 cases are unclear in meaning[4].
6.2 Breathiness and /h/
hmm, unlike um and mm,
occurs only as a back-channel.
Moreover, hmm, compared to mm, seems to be bearing some extra
respect and expressing a willingness to not only listen, but to give the other
person's words some weight. A
correlation with deference is also seen by the fact that hmm, hm
and mm-hm tend to be produced by lower-status speakers: in the 3
conversations in the corpus where the interlocutors were significantly unequal
in age and social status, 12 out of the 13 occurrences of these items were
produced by the younger speaker.
Breathiness is also a factor
distinguishing the agreeable uh-huh from the uh-uh of denial[5].
/h/ being related to relative social
status and functional role (back-channel versus filler), it is hard to find
clear minimal pairs, with and without breathiness, for the same speaker and the
same functional role. Example 8 is
a rare example: here the uhh, unlike O's other fillers, is breathy. This may be marking some trepidation,
in that this occurs at the point where O, for the first time in a long
conversation with a senior person in his research field, ventures to make a
8 (after some talk on the
merits of goats versus llamas as pack animals) |
1 O: uu (creaky) they, they carry quite
a bit, compared to their body weight, um, ... And uhh (breathy), if
you bring a female goat you can (pause) drink her milk and make yogurt and
(pause) (laughs) 2 T: (laughs) 3 O: (pause) you don't need to turn
back, head back to town ever, you know (laughing) |
In Example 9, the huh (in falling
pitch and of moderate duration) is a challenge, but it is a polite one, an
attempt to engage the other person in discussion, in contrast to the flat
contradiction which an uh would convey.
9 (X thinks that a
reporter is biased) |
1 X: and he always hypes everything up 2 M: wow 3 X: is what I've heard 4 M: huh, that isn't the
impression I've gotten |
Concern. Sometimes people in
conversation are lacking in confidence or somehow dependent on the other
person, and they sometimes signal this.
While speaking, they may be solicitous or tentative, as if fearing that
the other person will find their words stupid or inappropriate; while
listening, they may listen with extra concern and attention. This often occurs when the other person
is older or in a position of power, but arises more generally at points in a
conversation when one person for a moment treats the other person's words or
thoughts with extra respect or consideration.
Of the 43 tokens with /h/ or breathiness, 23 appear to bear
a meaning of concern, deference or engagement. Of the remainder, 9 were two-syllable sounds which would
have seemed rude had breathiness not been present. There were also 3 cases which were borderline laughter, 2
sighs, and 1 where the breathiness seemed to soften a contradiction.
6.3 Creaky Voice
10 (discussing who is
likely to be at the party) |
H: and, um, and that other guy, K, majoring in Psychology. 2
C: yeah (creaky).
(two second pause) yeah, they're so fun. 3
H: (pause) That's cool 4
C: yeah |
In Example 10 C's first yeah offers confirmation of a
factual matter, in response to H's uncertain-sounding statement of what she
thinks K's major is. The subsequent yeahs relate to subjective
impressions. Perceptually the
first yeah sounds authoritative and the others do not. The most salient phonetic difference is
creakiness. This can be considered
as indicating a sort of detachment in the sense that C's creaky response is not
merely a polite acknowledgment of H's statement for the sake of continuing the
conversation, but reflects that C is stepping back and providing an evaluation
of H's statement based on C's independent knowledge.
11 (talking at a
conference, resuming after an interruption) |
R: let's see, so we were talking about what my favorite 2
X: yeah 3
R: talks were. Um,
actually right now I'm sort of interested in what this U-tree algorithm is,
because 4
X: yeah 5 Y: I've done a, um (creaky), a
search, or, a literature search a while back on, on reinforcement learning
and ... |
Similarly, in Example 11 R's second um is creaky; at
that point R is about to reveal that he is somewhat of an authority on the
topic of learning algorithms, not merely chatting about them to politely pass
the time. His first um was not creaky, and, as a statement of personal
taste, would have sounded strange if it were.
12 (T is driving, O is
navigating) |
1 T: shall I just go in here and
turn around, n (and) 2 O: yyyeah. Yeah (creaky), that might
be best |
Example 12 has a pair where the first yeah is
uncertain, and the second, creaky one, produced after due deliberation, sounds
13 (discussing whether it
would be fun to go to the beach) |
H: I want it to be sunny 2
C: I know, this weather is no good 3
H: No, it makes me like groggy, kind of, you know what I mean, like 4
C: like you want to stay in bed and 5
H: yeah (slightly creaky) 6
C: just like watch a movie or something 7 H: and like not really do anything 8 C: yeah (very creaky) I
know. I'm trying to fight it
(laughs) |
In Example 13 H complains about the weather and how it
affects her, but C then reveals that she feels exactly the same way. Her yeah, being creaky, seems to
indicate that C has personal experience, indeed she seems to be taking a moment
here to actually indulge in that feeling.
A non-creaky yeah would be less appropriate here, although it
would be fine in an expression of merely perfunctory sympathy.
Creak also has a possibly related function in which it
occurs with items which indicate detachment in the form of a momentary
withdrawal to take stock of the situation. In Example 14 J infers that A's mother was from North
Germany, but A then corrects her.
After A clarifies the location of Wiesbaden, J talks to herself for a
moment while he continues, then she produces a creaky okay and then a
normal yeah. It seems as if
J is withdrawing from the conversation to consult and correct her mental map of
German dialects, and indicating this with the creakiness of the yeah,
before returning to full attention and participation with the okay.
14 (regarding trills in
German) |
A: but I think my mother does the, ah, the uvular one all the time ... 2
J: ... your Mom's from North? 3
A: no, she's from ah Wiesbaden, which is uh 4
J: don't know 5
A: in the central west; 6
J: mm 7
A: it's right near Frankfurt, west of Frankfurt; 8 J: center, north, west, yeah
(slightly creaky) okay 9 A: and ah, or she's from that
area, she's actually from a small town ... |
The slightly creaky yeah back in Example 5 is another
example of creakiness in response to correction; H produces it after realizing
that she had misunderstood the situation.
Claiming Authority. Although
people sometimes say things lightly, other times they really know what they are
talking about. Thus some things
people say in conversation are intended as authoritative statements, and often
speakers will indicate that these are intended as such. Authoritative statements may be based
on expert knowledge of some topic, on direct experience, and so on.
Of the 56 tokens in the corpus which were creaky or
partially creaky, 38 seemed to indicate authority[6].
6.4 Click
The meaning of tongue clicks can be subsumed under the term personal
Example 15 (C has suggested going to the beach; H responds by describing her homework
assignments) |
H: like I haven't like corrected my paper, and re-printed it 2
C: <click>-oh (slightly breathy, low fairly flat pitch) |
In Example 15, C's click seems to be indicating
dissatisfaction with the situation, namely the fact that H can't come, and
perhaps dissatisfaction with H herself, in the form of a mild remonstrance.
Some clicks seem to indicate dissatisfaction with the
current topic, or the lack of one; these uses often occur near topic change
points. In Example 16, M produces
clicks while searching for a topic, before introducing a new topic, and when
closing out a topic.
16 (M is trying to find a
new topic at the start of the recording session) |
M: aoo (creaky), let's see what other exciting things have been, worth
chatting about. <click>
uuuuuuu (creaky). (3 second pause) <click> Really good low
budget movie you might want to rent ... (M describes movie for 25 seconds, X
seems uninterested) <click> was quite well done 2 X: (3 second pause) I'm probably
not going to rent that any time soon, because (changes topic) |
The click in Example 16 seems to express E's dissatisfaction
with his own performance as a conversationalist, and marks the point where he
gives up on one formulation and re-starts his explanation on a new tack.
17 (E is trying to
describe simply a highly technical line of research) |
X: so, what are you doing, actually? 2 E: well, hhh-uuuh, at the moment I'm
doing phonological modeling, and essentially trying to get, umm (pause) <click>
Trying to develop models of |
Dissatisfaction. People in
conversation are sometimes momentarily unhappy but then move on, and they often
indicate when they do this. This momentary unhappiness can be about the
conversation itself, as when the conversation hits a rough spot, one runs out
of things to talk about, or when one has a problem expressing oneself fluently;
or the unhappiness can be about the topic, as discussing something of which one
disapproves or finds disappointing.
Of the 26 clicks in the corpus, 19 seemed be expressing some
form of dissatisfaction. Of these
9 seemed to express self-remonstrance, either at forgetting something, at
getting off track, or at explaining something poorly (these sometimes
co-occurring with the close of a digression or a re-start of an explanation on
another tack), 4 seemed to indicate dissatisfaction with the current topic,
co-occurring with a bid to close it off.
3 seemed to express dissatisfaction with the situation under discussion,
and 3 seemed to be dissatisfaction directed to the interlocutor, as a form of
6.5 /o/
It is well known that the expression oh can mark the
receipt of new information, among other functions (Heritage 1984; Schiffrin
1987; Fox Tree and Shrock 1999; Fischer 2000), and this is seen in the corpus
too, as in Example 18. Other times
it performs related functions, such as indicating the successful identification
of a referent introduced by the other speaker, and the uptake of self-produced
new information, as a result of figuring something out or noticing it.
18 (after X has explained
that he is collecting conversation data) |
E: is there any particular topic that we should, uh 2
X: no 3
E: oh 4
X: so 5
E: So it's just 6
X: so, yeah 7 E: ookay |
It is worth noting that the oh often occurs, not at
the moment where the new information is heard, but a fraction of a second
later, after the information has been assimilated somewhat and the listener has
decided what stance to take regarding it, as seen in Example 19.
19 (regarding who buys
Sailor Moon comic books in Japan) |
X: there's two audiences for that, one is the junior high school
girls, and the other is the pervert, the uh, the, the perverts 2 M: yeah, oh absolutely, yeah, yeah |
okay seems to share with oh some
element of meaning, as Beach (1993) has observed, and this is likely due to the
shared /o/. This is seen by the
fact that the newness is downgraded in cases where the /o/ is reduced to a
schwa (ukay as in Example 23), elided completely (kay), or
replaced by a nasal (m-kay, n-kay, and unkay). On the other hand, where the newness of
the information is significant, the /o/ is lengthened or repeated, forming ookay
(as in Example 18) or oh-okay.
New Information. People in
conversation sometimes encounter information which is new to them, and may
signal that they are aware of, or want to draw attention to, that newness. This may be done in reference to one's
own utterances or in reference to the other's utterances. The new information may have been
introduced by the other speaker, or may be self-produced, as a result of
figuring something out or noticing it.
This new `information' may also include a new topic or referent, or a
surprising turn of the conversation, etc.
Of the 46 tokens containing /o/, 44 bear a new-information
6.6 /a/
Sometimes people in conversation are passive or at a loss,
and other times they are fully in control and know exactly what they're doing.
/a/ seems to signal the latter: that the speaker is fully on top of the
situation and “ready to act”[8].
20 (X is winding up a
roundabout explanation of why he's recording conversations) |
X: ... when does it happen in English? is the question 2
E: right 3
X: and I have no data 4 E: ah (creaky), okay (slightly
creaky) |
In Example 20 the /a/ seems to indicate this. Indeed, it could be glossed as `I've
got it, I understand the whole picture, I'm very familiar with that kind of
situation, I could finish your story for you'. This is in contrast to an /o/, which would stress the
novelty of the information that X lacked data, and in contrast with schwa,
which would imply that E was not sure what to say, perhaps having failed to
understand the statement or its significance.
21 (over dinner after a
conference) |
E: did you go to the talk? 2
X: which one? 3
E: did you go to my talk? I should say 4
X: I missed it, I'm sorry 5 E: ao (creaky) that's fine,
that's fine. |
A similar meaning is seen in Example 21, where ao,
instead of oh, seems to connote that E had half-expected X to have
missed the talk, and is already prepared and willing to give him the gist of
it, as he then goes on to do.
A similar distinction between /a/ and schwa may be seen in
fillers and disfluency markers. ah
seems to be used (for those speakers who use both uh and ah) in
cases where the filled pause is being produced mostly for the benefit of the
listener. That is, /a/ occurs when
the speaker knows exactly what he wants to say, and the purpose of the filled
pause is only to give the listener time to re-orient or catch up. This is seen in the last line of
Example 14, where ah introduces a parenthetical remark, and in the third
line of Example 14, where the ah precedes code-switching from English
pronunciation to German pronunciation.
In Control. Although sometimes
people in conversation are momentarily passive and drifting or at a loss, there
are times when they are fully in control, knowing exactly what to say or do
next, and people in this state often indicate it. As a special case, this is seen when a speaker is pausing,
not because he's stuck for how to say something, but semi-deliberately to warn
the listener that something complex, like a borrowing from a foreign language
is coming up.
This seems compatible with Fischer's (2000) observation that
ah, in comparison to oh, ``does not display emotional content''
and indicates that ``I want to say some more''.
Quantifying the strength of the association between /a/ and
readiness to act is complicated by the fact that some speakers use ah
but not uh as a filler, and others always use aum but not um. Thus for some speakers /a/ is perhaps a
mere allophone, the variant of schwa used in fillers and disfluency markers.
Of the 18 tokens in the corpus containing /a/, 9 seem to
manifest some such meaning of being in control, including 4 which preceded
foreign language words.
6.7 Schwa
Schwa is the most common sound in non-lexical items in the
corpus. It seems to be
``neutral'', bearing almost no information. This is seen in the stereotypical back-channel uh-huh,
which sometimes conveys essentially nothing but “I'm still here”, and in the
stereotypical filler uh, which often conveys almost nothing but “I’m
starting to talk”.
This neutrality can be seen by contrasting schwa with
/o/. Consider Example 22, where
the long oh indicates that B now understands why A is upset about having
missed the meeting. In contrast, a
schwa-based sound, such as uh or uh-huh here would not indicate this at
22 (after some talk about
a meeting that H feels bad about having missed) |
H: and then, like, at the end you're supposed to, like, split up into, like, program
groups, but. 2 C: ooooh |
Similarly in Example 23, A acknowledges receipt of new
information with okay, but produces ukays (with schwa) when he is
acknowledging only the receipt of confirmation of what he already knew.
23 (J is starting to
describe an interesting conference talk) |
J: she works at Bell Labs, and what they do is, they do diphone
concatenation. okay 2
A: okay, yeah, now, that's like the TrueTalk system, right?
that's the AT&T one 3
J: iiyyeahh, 4
A: ukay 5
J: that's AT&T, 6
A: ukay 7
J: yeah. So, um, basically they're doing diphone concatenation and ... |
While there are minimal pairs with and without schwa, such
as um and mm, there seems to be no difference in the basic
meaning; rather the versions with vowels just seem to express the basic meaning
more confidently, as one would expect from the greater loudness (Section 8).
6.8 Summary of Correspondences
Thus there is a candidate for the meaning associated with
most of the sound components common in non-lexical utterances. These sound-meaning correspondences are
summarized in Table 5. Of the
sound-meaning mappings identified, some are strong, obvious, and almost
invariant, some are fairly limited, weak, or tentative, and the others are in
between, as seen in the table.
It is worth noting that these sound-meaning correspondences
show up even when working under the assumptions of compositionality and
context-independence, which are probably not entirely correct.
Interestingly, some of the sound-meaning correspondences
identified above for English also appear to be present in Japanese (Ward 1998;
Okamota & Ward 2002; Ward & Okamoto 2003), raising the question of
whether universal tendencies are at work.
At this point is is worth mentioning some other phonetic
features that various researchers have implicated in various meanings. Lip rounding may indicate surprise, and
it has even been suggested, for tokens indicating astonishment, that it is not
tongue position but “the rounding of oh, which distinguishes it from ah”
(Bolinger 1989). Glottal stops are
often implicated with a meaning of negation or denial. Vowel height may also be significant:
``the `importance' of ah, for example, is consonant with the `size'
implication of the low vowels (Bolinger 1989). Throat clearing has been observed to function as an indicator
of upcoming speech (Poyatos 1993).
The sound-meaning correspondences provide answers for the
second question posed in the introduction: what all the variants mean. The existence of these correspondences
also answers the first question: the reason for the existence of so many
variants is just that people in conversation have a large variety of
(combinations) of meanings that they need to express.
7. The Strength of the Sound-Meaning
This section discusses the strength of the proposed
sound-meaning correspondences and the power and limits of the compositional
7.1 Evaluation of the Compositional
Hypothesis and the Compositional Model
According to the compositional hypothesis, the meaning of a
non-lexical utterance is predictable from the meaning of its component
sounds. Although this was a useful
working hypothesis, it is clear that it is not invariably true, as witnessed by
the exceptions noted above. In
some cases it is clear where compositionality fails. For example, examining the properties of the four tokens
which are exceptions to the correlation between /n/ and pre-knowledge (Section
6.1), it turns out that two of these were the shortest of the all sounds involving
/n/, which suggests that somehow the lack of duration is canceling or
overriding the contribution of /n/.
Also, very quiet sounds appear to convey little or no meaning,
regardless of their phonetic content.
It therefore is necessary to reject the Compositional
Hypothesis as a full account.
However, since most non-lexical tokens in conversation seem
to be largely compositional in meaning, the idea is worth salvaging. I therefore propose a `compositional
model' for non-lexical conversational sounds, specifying that the meaning of a
whole is the sum of the meanings of the component sounds. Compared to the alternative, a
list-based model which associates meanings arbitrarily with fixed sequences of
sounds, the compositional model explains the meanings of rare items as well as
common ones, and does so parsimoniously.
Thus, in this sense also, these items are truly non-lexical.
Having seen that the compositional model is better than the
alternative, it is of interest to consider how well it does absolutely, so the
rest of the section examines how much of the corpus data is accounted for by
the compositional model.
The power of the sound-meaning correspondences can be
quantified by counting failures, that is, cases where one or more predictions
is not borne out. These were
listed in Sections 5.1 and 6 for each sound, and summarized again in Table
6. Summing across all 316 tokens,
for 77 (24%) the model predicts some meaning element that is not found. In other words, in 86% of the tokens
all of the meanings associated with the component sounds were found. It is important not to ascribe too much
significance to this number, since it depends on the specific corpus and on the
subjective judgments of one person, nevertheless it does suggest that the model
has substantial explanatory power.
Thus the model can predict meanings given sounds. The model also gives predictions in the
reverse direction: starting from the meanings to be expressed and predicting
which sound combination a person will use. The strength of these reverse predictions can be quantified
by counting failures, namely cases where some expected sound component S is
absent, that is, where a non-lexical sound bears some meaning which is not
associated with any of the components of that token. This is unfortunately difficult to measure. One big problem is that almost every
non-lexical item has a meaning which is richer or more specific than that
predicted by the model. This
`failure' is pervasive, because the current model does not say anything about
the way the context contributes to the full interpretation (Section 7.4). The second big problem is that there
are alternative ways to express any given meaning, and meaning M may be
conveyed not with S but with prosody or timing, etc. Just as a reference to a pet as a stupid feline does
not constitute a counterexample to the mapping between the word cat and
the meaning `cat', the expression of an M without the use of the corresponding
S does not count as a counterexample to the S-M mapping.
Nevertheless it is easy to make a rough count of cases where
the unpredicted elements of the meaning of a token include one or more of the
meanings in Table 5: that is, one of the meanings on the list is present
somewhere when it is not expected.
There are 101 such tokens, 32% of the total. This means that in the corpus, when a speaker used a
non-lexical utterance to express some of the meanings on the list, 68% of the
time he used all the sound components associated with those meanings.
This 32% is small enough to lay rest one concern: that the
meanings identified for the sounds might be so vague that they can be found
just about anywhere. Rather, the
meanings identified are found in only a fraction of the tokens, and they occur
mostly with the sounds they map to.
In a future study it would be interesting to attempt a
quantitative formulation of the compositional model and the sound-meaning
correspondences. This could allow
testing the extent to which the meaning of a non-lexical utterance is actually
equal to the sum of the meanings of the component sounds, as has been
attempted for Japanese (Okamoto & Ward 2002). It might also allow direct evaluation of the explanatory
power of compositionality, without the need to identify any specific
sound-meaning correspondences. It might also allow the quantitative statement
of sound-meaning correspondences, for example, relating the degree of
nasalization to the degree of fore-knowledge expressed.
7.2 A Complex Token
The primary value of the compositional model is the
explanations it provides and the number of observations it organizes, as seen
in the previous section. But it
also provides simple explanations for some complex cases.
Consider the example <click>naa(creaky) in
Example 24, a token with four sound components: a click, /n/, creakiness, and a
neutral vowel (for this speaker /a/ and schwa do not appear to be contrasted in
non-lexical utterances). The
meaning of this utterance includes the speaker's chagrin or annoyance (the
click) at finding that he had just described a video for 40 seconds to someone
who has no possibility of seeing it, plus an indication that he has recalled
that he knew (the /n/) that X lacked a T.V., plus a momentary withdrawal (the
creakiness) to take stock of the newly recalled information. Thus the meaning is as predicted by the
24 (M has recommended a
movie for X to rent) |
X: I'm probably not going to rent that anytime soon because ... 2
M: myeah 3
X: because I don't have a video. (punchline intonation) 4
M: <click>-naa(creaky) 5
X: I don't have a T.V. <click> 6 M: <click>-neeu, that's right,
you're one of those |
7.3 The Compatible Meaning Constraint
The compositional model is useful in another way also. As mentioned in Section 4.4, the
first-pass, purely phonological model of which non-lexical sounds can occur in
conversation is inaccurate. For
example, it generates such items as mo and yeom, which are
implausible as English non-lexical expressions in conversation. Given the compositional model, there is
an obvious way to explain why some of these items are implausible: a Compatible
Meaning Constraint, stating that a non-lexical utterance can only contain
sounds whose meanings are compatible.
Thus uh-huh is a plausible sound: deference and a
non-committal, neutral attitude go well together, so the combination of /h/ and
schwa is allowed. mo,
however, is less plausible. It
could only be appropriate in a situation where the speaker is both
contemplating something and being in a state of having just assimilated some
new information. Although not unimaginable, this would require a rather unusual
state of mind or a rather unusual context. The addition of this constraint thus gives an improved model
of intuitions about which non-lexical utterances can be used in conversation.
It can also provide a test for the model, at least in
principle. It predicts that no
non-lexical utterance will be observed which combine sounds whose meanings are
incompatible. Applying this in practice,
however, is not straightforward. Consider creakiness and /h/. These two sounds can co-occur, the
model says, if there exist contexts in which a speaker is speaking with
detached authority and yet concerned about the other's reaction. These two properties seem, at first
blush, to be incompatible, and from this assumption one might predict that no
token will both contain /h/ and be creaky. However such a sound exists in the corpus, as seen in
Example 25.
25 (at the start of the
conversation, after X has told E the purpose of recording it) |
E: so maybe you should have told me at the end, 2
X: that's true 3
E: but then I'd have, I would have been nervous all the way through,
so, 4
X: right, yeah 5 E: you know, it's like, `hmm, why is he recording my voice, hmmmmm
(creaky)', (laughs) |
Here E is evoking a situation in which he is withdrawn and
thinking suspiciously about X's intentions, but at the same time he is
describing this imagined scene as part of making a joke. Thus in this context both detachment
and engagement are present and expressed in a single non-lexical item. nyaa-haao in Example 2 is also a
case where two superficially incompatible meanings, of /o/ and of nasalization,
co-occur: here the speaker is indicating that something is simultaneously new
(the stabbing) and yet predicted (the occurrence of some kind of
violence). The moral of these
examples is that it is not always trivial to predict compatibility of meaning
from first principles; in order to reliably apply the Compatible Meaning
Constraint will probably require an inventory of all the communicative needs
which arise during conversation, in all their multi-faceted complexity, clearly
a long-term goal.
Application of the Compatible Meaning Constraint to longer utterances
may be further complicated by the fact that speakers' mental state can change
rapidly. If, as seems likely, the
sound at each instant within a non-lexical utterance reflects the speaker's
mental state at that instant, incompatible meanings may be seen at different
points within the utterance. nyaa-haao may be an example of this
7.4 Compositional Meaning and Pragmatic
Considering the small list of meanings identified for the
sound components, it is obvious that the compositional model does not provide a
complete account of how non-lexical utterances are used. What it can specify is how a sound maps
to a basic meaning. What it can
not address is the meaning and pragmatic force at other levels. (The difficulty of making a clean semantics-pragmatics
distinction here, as more generally, does not alter the fact that it appears
wise not to require a single model to cover all levels of meaning.)
In particular, the compositional meaning does not fully
describe the role a sound in a specific conversational context. As Fischer (2000) observes, dialog
tokens may have ``under-specified meanings ... that are specified by means of
reference to particular aspects of the communicative situation''. For example, for clicks the model
ascribes a meaning of dissatisfaction, but it does not specify when a speaker
can use this meaning to reproach someone else or to reproach himself or to echo
someone else's dissatisfaction or to mark dissatisfaction with the current
topic. More subtly, the actual
pragmatic force borne by any specific occurrence may depend on the exact timing
relative to the discourse.
This problem is, of course, not unique to non-lexical
utterances. When someone uses the
word `reliable' the semantics is clear, but it is not until a context is given
that you know whether the pragmatic implication is that the car is stodgy, or
able to skip an oil change, or deserving of affection, or worth more than your
offer. But the role of context is
even more significant for these items, since their basic meanings are so
vague. Certainly some non-lexical
items seem to have special roles in specific activities, such as joint projects
(Bangerter & Clark 2003), joking, making plans, telling stories, explaining,
complaining, and so on. (In this
regard it is worth mentioning the existence of items which are generated by the
phonological model of Section 4.2, but which are only marginally non-lexical,
in that they have fairly fixed forms, fairly specific roles, and appear only in
fairly specific, non-conversational contexts, such as yo, oomm, hohoho,
ahem, and the gustatory mmm (Wiggins 2002).) In unstructured conversational
interaction also, non-lexical items may assume specific meanings or roles in
specific contexts.
Fortunately there is a large body of research focusing on
just this problem, namely that in the “Conversation Analysis” tradition. That body of work pays attention to
observing and characterizing in detail the diverse situations in which people
in conversation find themselves, and the various ways they employ language
resources to meet their goals in those situations. In the words of Hutchby and Wooffitt (1999) Conversation
Analysis is ``only marginally interested in language as such, its actual object
of study is the interactional organization of social activities'', and in
Conversation Analysis the items ``used in talk are not studied as semantic
units, but as products or objects which are … used in terms of the activities''
in the talk.
Thus the approach of the present study is complementary to
the work in the Conversation Analysis tradition. This is one reason why the analyses here make little direct
contact with the central concerns in that body of work. However the connections can be
made. For example, Gardner (1997)
characterizes mm as a “weak and variable acknowledging token”, in comparison to
items such as yeah, whereas the present analysis characterizes /m/, and
by implication mm, as indicating contemplation. The two descriptions are compatible:
Gardner's work describes the various kinds of pragmatic force that /m/ can bear
in the diverse contexts where it appears, while the current model specifies the
basic, context-invariant meaning of /m/.
Moreover a connection can easily be made --- it seems reasonable that a
speaker being contemplative is likely to acknowledge only weakly. Working out such connections is left as
a topic for future work.
8. Prosody-Meaning Correspondences
While a proper analysis of the prosody of non-lexical
utterances is beyond the scope of this paper, it is worth considering at least
the most accessible such property, namely syllabification. This is so salient that it is reflected
in the conventional spellings, as in mm-mm vs. mm, uh-huh
vs. uh and yeah-yeah vs. yeah.
Two-syllable items seem to signal the intention to take a
listening role, to indicate that the person who produces them intends to say no
more. Evidence for this includes
the fact that yeah-yeah only functions as a back-channel, in contrast to
yeah which appears in many roles (Table 2). Similarly uh-huh and um-hm are overwhelmingly
back-channels, versus single-syllable uh and um which are
overwhelmingly fillers and disfluency markers.
One speaker produced four-syllable items, uhn-hm-uh-hm
and um-hm-uh-hm, and these appeared to contrast with um-hm: the
four-syllable forms signaled a posture of continued listening, but the
two-syllable um-hm was less passive, sometimes produced only shortly
before he interrupted and took a turn.
Gardner (1997) has also noted that mm-hm, in
comparison to mm, is typically “passing up an opportunity to speak,
handing the floor straight back to the prior speaker”.
By implication, the fact that you have nothing to add can
serve to be encouraging the interlocutor to continue. Often, as with uh-huh, this is a purely passive
posture. Other times, as with yeah-yeah,
this can encourage the interlocutor to stop repeating himself and get to the
point, as in Example 26. (Also, yeah-yeah
in a creaky voice, and with a sharp downstep in pitch to add brusqueness, is a
stereotypical way to say “enough already, let's drop this topic”.
26 (discussing a party
they might go to) |
H: Is it like a party, like, `rave' type party? or like 2
C: well, it's someone's house 3
H: yeah 4
C: there's going to be, I mean there's like, they're going to be
spinning. So, in that sense,
maybe, but it's just at
someone's house, like 5
H: yeh-yeah 6 C: it's in the middle of the
night, that too, but. |
Although multiple syllables are most common in
back-channels, some syllabification also occurs in other positions, and with
the same meaning. In Example 27
the uuuh has three energy peaks, and sounds frustrated: this can be
ascribed to the fact that O wanted to say what to do next (for the sound
appears where it can only be interpreted as a filler), but is simultaneously
realizing that he doesn't know and so can say no more, as conveyed by the
27 (T is driving, O is
navigating) |
O: can we turn here? can, can we make a right turn here?
T: If you say so
O: um, oh, I guess we can't (embarrassed laugh). No. (laugh)
T: what? no.
O: uuuh. hmm
T: should we turn around and go back? O: uh-mm ... (waits until the next
intersection comes up before deciding) |
Thus the meaning conveyed by syllabification seems to be as
Lack of Anything to Say.
Sometimes people in conversation have nothing to say; for a moment or two they
are just content to listen and/or remain silent, and they sometimes indicate
Examining the tokens with syllabification (excluding okay
and variants, which are intrinsically double-syllabled), 38 of the 60 seem to
be indicating such a lack of anything to say. Interestingly, reduplication in Japanese back-channels also
seems to be meaningful, although the meaning may not be the same (Katagiri et
al. 1999).
It is worth noting that the multiple-syllable cases are
generally not simply repetitions of a single syllable. Rather they generally include one or
more additional phonetic features which mark the syllable boundaries, most
commonly energy dip, pitch dip, breathiness, or creakiness. The choice of how to realize
syllabification is perhaps independent of the choice of syllabification itself;
thus, for example, when a syllable boundary marked with breathiness is present,
it may convey both the meaning of breathiness and the meaning of
syllabification. Incidentally, the
term `syllabification' is more appropriate than `reduplication', or
`repetition' because the syllable boundaries appear in various realizations,
with various strengths, and in various numbers.
Other prosodic features clearly also contribute to the
meanings of non-lexical utterances.
Table 7 summarizes other likely correspondences, based on analysis
reported elsewhere (Ward 2004).
Interestingly, these prosodic features generally seem to bear much the
same meanings here as they do in sentences (Tench 1996). There are probably also other meaningful
prosodic features; for example, abruptness of energy drop, giving a clipped
sound, may be a ``gesture of finality'' (Bolinger 1946). Multi-syllabic sounds occasionally have
more complex prosodic contours (Hockey 1992), and the meanings are probably
also more complex. There is also
evidence that longer durations may strengthen the perceived meaning (Fox Tree
9. Roles of Non-Lexical Utterances
The English language, it is generally acknowledged, includes
40-some phonemes, which are concatenated to form words, and the meanings of
those words are arbitrary (in Saussure's sense). Non-lexical conversational sounds, however, appear to form a
subsystem based on 10 sounds, which are concatenated or superposed to form
items whose meanings are largely predictable from the sounds.
Is this plausible?
Why on earth should the English language include a subsystem like
this? The ultimate explanation may
lay outside linguistics, perhaps referring to neural structures (Lamendella
1977; Jaffe 1978), evolution (McCune 2003), ethology (Ohala 1984) or
articulator effort (Nenova et al. 2001).
This paper, however, examines only acoustic considerations and some
aspects of human cognitive processing in the functional and positional roles
where non-lexical utterances are common, and this is the topic of this section.
9.1 As Back-Channels
As language users, humans suffer from two fundamental
cognitive limitations. First a
person generally cannot produce coherent utterances while listening to someone
else (Jaffe 1978). Second,
symmetrically, in general a person cannot really listen (process speech input)
while talking.
Back-channels somehow escape both these limitations. (For present purposes back-channels are
optional responses to something said by the other which do not require
acknowledgement.) First,
back-channels are produced while the other person has the turn, and often while
the other is talking (Ward & Tsukahara 2000). Second back-channels can be heard and understood --- at
least well enough to get a sense of whether the other person is confused,
bored, excited, knowledgeable, supportive, and so on --- by a person who is
himself talking. Thus, people,
both as speakers and as listeners, can process back-channels simultaneously
with processing the `content' of the conversation on the ``main channel''
(Yngve 1970).
Given these characteristics of the back-channel role, it is
significant that non-lexical back-channels use sounds which are distinguishable
from those in the main channel.
This can explain why a limited inventory of sounds is common (Section
4.2): these sounds are relatively non-interfering, acoustically, with the
sounds of English lexical items, since some are not found in words, and the
others are few in number and lack sharp transitions. Cross-linguistically also, back-channels are drawn largely
from a small set of phonetic components (Allwood 1993).
These characteristics of the back-channel role also have
implications for the sound-meaning mappings. If dealing with the main message keeps the main
language-processing resources of the participants' brains occupied, one might expect
the sound-meaning mappings for back-channel items to be computationally simple
so that they can be dealt with elsewhere.
For the person hearing the back-channels, this would allow decodability
by simple neural pathways (Jaffe 1978) distinct from those used to handle
arbitrary (lexical) sound-meaning mappings. Similarly, a simple encoding would be desirable for the
person producing the back-channels, whose brain is not only busy, but is also
operating under a time constraint, the need to produce a back-channel within a
narrow time window before the opportunity to be relevant is lost. This can explain why the sound-meaning
mappings in non-lexical back-channels are simple.
This may also be why non-lexical back-channels have long
been an area of interest within the study of conversation, human communication,
and interpersonal interaction (Yngve 1970; Duncan & Fiske 1985; Schegloff
1982). In terms of the mental
processes involved they may have as much in common with gestures (with which
they often co-occur) as with the rest of verbal language.
These characteristics of the back-channel role also have
implications for the sorts of information that can be conveyed. Because the participants' primary
attention will generally be occupied with the main message (the content), one
might expect the information in the back-channel to be of semantically
different kinds. This explains why
non-lexical back-channels convey the limited meanings they do.
9.2 As Fillers and Disfluency Markers
Many utterances are framed or interrupted by hesitations and
formulation problems. In this
paper the terms filler and disfluency have been used for turn-initial or
utterance-initial items, and turn-initial items, respectively (although this
two-way taxonomy of hesitations etc. is perhaps not the best possible taxonomy
(Hieke 1981)).
In these roles similar constraints are present. For the speaker's sake, the items in
these roles also should have sound-meaning correspondences which are simple, so
he can generate them while he is busy working out what to say and how to say
it. For the listener's sake, they
should be phonetically distinguished from the sounds used in the main channel,
so that they can be easily filtered out (below the level of conscious
processing) and processed separately from the main message. It is well known that fillers are
phonetically and prosodically distinguishable from words (O'Shaugnhessy 2992;
Shriberg 1999; Goto et al. 1999; Shriberg 2001; Wu & Yan 2001); indeed they
tend to be even less complex and varied than the back-channels. Cross-linguistically also, non-lexical
fillers exhibit only limited variation (Clark & Fox Tree 2002).
Thus, considering both the speaker's and listener's needs,
and for both phonetic and cognitive reasons, the phonetic and sound-symbolic
properties identified are well suited to the roles of fillers and disfluencies.
9.3 As Confirmations and Clause-Final
There are also less common roles for non-lexical
utterances. These include
`confirmations', that is, responses to back-channels, for example the nn-hn
in Example 5 and the first ukay in Example 23. There are also clause-final tokens, which typically express
attitude, such as the yeah at the end of Example 6.
While the cognitive and acoustic considerations above apply
to these roles weakly, if at all, they have a clear family resemblance to
back-channels, fillers, and disfluency markers. These roles can all be characterized as closely relating to,
but not themselves part of, the main channel.
9.4 As Isolates
Rather different are the constraints on `isolates', which in
this paper means utterances produced when neither person has the turn; these
typically more self-directed than other-directed.
Here again there is a need for items whose sound-meaning
mappings are simple enough to process while doing something else. For back-channels, the `something else'
was just listening, for fillers, formulating, but here it includes
extra-linguistic activities such as thinking one's own thoughts, looking
around, working, and so on.
Isolates also need to be easily distinguishable from normal language,
but for a different reason than that seen for back-channels, namely, so that
the interlocutor or bystanders know that you're not talking to them, nor to
voices in your head (Goffman 1981).
Acoustic non-interference with the main channel is not, however, a
requirement for these items, and indeed these items often involve sounds
outside the inventory of Section 4.2.
While some of the isolates in the corpus are explicable
within the model, others are not; for example wow, oop-ep-oop
(produced while trying to catch a falling lamp) and achh in the corpus
are flagrant violations. Although
these tokens did occur during conversations, they are different from the others
in the corpus in that they stand outside the dialog more than they belong to
it, or, in Ameka's (1992) phrase, they ``do not have addressees''. These items bear relatively little
relation to other utterances in the conversation, and in that respect are not
as conversational as back-channels and fillers.
9.5 As Responses
The final role where non-lexical utterances are common is as
responses to direct questions and to high-rise statements.
Here again there is a family resemblance to back-channels,
but many responses seem to be more in the main channel than not.
This may be a good place to address the question of no,
which seems at first glance to be a clear exception to the sound-meaning
correspondences (old ground for /n/ and new information for /o/). However no is fairly clearly a
word. Since the model only
attempts to account for non-lexical utterances, there is no reason to expect
the same sound-meaning correspondences to apply. (Interestingly, however, in British English no is
well attested as a back-channel, and in that role it is often not an expression
of disagreement, but rather an acknowledging or even affiliating token
(Jefferson 2002).
It is worth noting that the use of non-lexical tokens as
responses to direct questions can indicate social status (Andersen et al. 1999)
and is often stigmatized. In a
court case I recently participated in, one witness, a child, often used uh-huh
and the like during cross-examination.
To us on the jury this was informative: her exact choice of token told
not only whether she agreed with the attorney's characterizations of events,
but also whether she fully understood the question, whether she accepted the
presuppositions, whether she thought the answer obvious, or difficult to
recall, or beside the point, and so on.
But this was deemed unacceptable: the attorney considered it imprecise,
and indicative of a flippant attitude, and admonished her with a little lecture
to the effect that ``the people now in the courtroom may understand what you
mean, but the court recorder is going to transcribe it as uh-huh, and
later people who look at the transcript will have no idea''. The child, suitably chastened,
thereafter restricted her responses to yes and no.
For the sake of completeness, other positions in which
non-lexical items appeared in the corpus (the `other' category in Table 2)
include within quotations and in a few other positions difficult to
9.6 Summary
Thus the phonetic and sound-symbolic properties which the
model ascribes to conversational non-lexical sounds are well suited to the
characteristics of the contexts where they occur. Specifically, there are several roles which are outside the
main channel but which are nevertheless conversational, or, in Clark's (1996) terminology,
are ``collateral'' signals rather than part of the ``official business'' of the
dialog. In these roles there are
three types of considerations --- involving the acoustic properties, involving
the properties of the sound-meaning mapping, and involving the types of
meanings conveyed --- all of which make these roles hospitable to a class of
sounds which have special properties --- being phonetically distinctive,
compositional in meaning, and related to conversation control and a few other
Crystal's (1974) notion of a ``scale of linguisticness'' is
also useful here. ``At the `most
linguistic' polarity would be classified those features of utterance most
readily describable in terms of closed systems of contrasts, which have a
relatively clear phonetic definition, which display evidence of a hierarchical
structure, and which are relatively easily integrated with other aspects of
linguistic structure ... At the other `least linguistic' end would be placed
those features of utterances which seem to have little potential for entering into
systemic relationships, which are relatively indiscrete, and which have a
relatively isolated function and little integrability with other aspects of
language structure ...'' Although
this scale was initially proposed for characterizing paralinguistic vocal
effects, it also can be used to describe positional and functional roles in
terms of the sorts of items which tend to inhabit them: the main-channel is
very linguistic; short responses somewhat less so; filler, disfluency and
back-channel positions even less linguistic, and interjections barely
linguistic at all. The
compositional model best accounts for items in roles towards the middle of this
As Goffman (1978) suggested, there seems to be a ``division
of linguistic labor'' between ``nonword vocalizations'' and ``full-fledged
words'', and ``the character of the word bears the mark of the use that is
destined for it''. Although
Goffman had a different focus in mind, this is also apt as a description of the
complementary roles of lexical and non-lexical utterances in conversation.
Thus the idea that within English there exists a separate
subsystem with these properties is not so implausible after all; rather there
is a natural match for a certain communicative niche.
It may be possible to extend the idea of ``natural match''
further, to argue that specific sounds naturally represent specific meanings,
as has been argued for other forms of sound symbolism since at least
Darwin. Although there may be
similarities across languages, as noted earlier, it is also clear that
different languages and cultures use non-lexical items in different ways; so to
a large extent they clearly form a social code, interpretable only with
reference to that code.
10. Conversational Grunts and Related
10.1 Conversational Grunts
The research strategy taken here was to explain everything
about all non-lexical utterances in a corpus of conversations. The phenomena to examine were chosen
using a negative criterion, as the set of sounds which are conversational but
not laughter or words. This set
did not, however, turn out to be coherent: there were items which did not
pattern with the others, notably breath noises, interjections, and word
However the vast majority of the non-lexical tokens are well
covered by the model. Since this
set of items has several distinctive and co-occurring properties, it is worth
inventing a term. Thus I will use
``conversational grunts'' to refer to those items which are generated by the
phonological model, exhibit the sound-meaning correspondences, have
compositional meanings, and occur in conversational roles other than the
This appears to be a graded category. At the core are pure grunts, such as uh
and uh-huh. oh is
also mostly grunt-like, although it sometimes appears in the main channel
(James 1972). More marginal as a
grunt is yeah, which includes component phonemes which have rather
constrained distributions and whose meaning seems less compositional. Even less grunt-like is okay
which has a phoneme which is not productive in grunts and which has no
identifiable intrinsic meaning (the /k/).
The marginal status of these items as grunts was in fact seen earlier:
they were major sources of exceptions to the phonological model and to the sound-meaning
10.2 Near Grunts
Since the properties of conversational grunts are well
suited to certain functional positions, one might expect these same properties
to also infuse non-grunts occurring in these positions. And indeed, the pronunciation of at
least one word, right appears to vary in accordance with the
sound-meaning correspondences identified above.
Right was the third most frequent non-grunt
item occurring in the corpus in any of the functional categories seen in Table
2. Right was also the most
frequent lexical response token in McCarthy's (2003) larger corpus.
28 V had asked M to go
shopping with him, but M had then changed the topic) |
V: So I have to find a
pair of running shoes, still; to get back to that topic, because, I need a
pair. 2
M: Well, we'll see what we can do. 3 V: Alright. Because I want to go running ... |
In Example 27, the alright (with no /l/ actually
pronounced) is clearly similar in sound and meaning to right, but the
presence of an additional /a/ seems to indicate only provisional acceptance,
coupled with the intention to get his way; compatible with the meaning for /a/
identified in Section 6.6.
28 (M is discussing a
disturbing Japanese web site found while surfing) |
M: It was very much an emphasis on youth and . . . fascination with
rape 2
X: uh-hm 3
M: it seemed, 4
X: uh-hm 5
M: which was kind of,
odd. 6
X: It is true, that Japanese comics, right, there's a lot of them
are really violent 7
M: mright, right(creaky) 8
X: like you can, just, <click>, but those, yeah, yeah 9 M: but I mean it, I, you know, better
to exist on the funny pages than to exist on the street, I suppose, assuming
that's the choice ... |
In Example 28, the mright is clearly similar to right,
but also bears a meaning of contemplation, as identified for /m/ in Section
Thus right can be considered to be a ``near
grunt''. Although a word, it is
near the borderline: not only does it allow sound-symbolic modification, but it
also lacks a clear referential meaning and clear participation in syntactic
More speculatively, items like you know and and,
although clearly lexical, also bear interesting resemblances to conversational
grunts in function and in phonetic inventory, at least when reduced.
To summarize with a metaphor, the speaker of English is a
cook with many options. He can use
a pure grunt --- a sauce made fresh for the occasion, from scratch from basic
ingredients. Or he can use
near-grunts or frozen grunts, pre-prepared and usable as-is, but still amenable
to freshening up with a sound-symbolic ingredient.
10.3 Laughter
Laughter, although prosodically unique, phonetically mostly
falls with in the coverage of the phonological model of non-lexical utterances
(Section 4.2). There have been
suggestions that laughter involves sound-meaning correspondences, for Japanese,
French, and English (Kori 1987; Leon 1991; Mowrer et al. 1987), and some of
these correspondences seem to relate to those seen in grunts. Investigating this would go beyond the
scope of the present paper, but it is interesting to note that the general
acoustic properties of laughter --- breathiness, large pitch range, lack of a
clear pitch contour, multiple syllables --- predict, using the present model,
that laughter will generally be polite and engaged, display interest, be
obscure in intent, and display a willingness to continue to listen; and in fact
these properties are generally present in laughter as it occurs during
conversation. This is true both
for laughter as such and for words `said with a laugh'.
11. Summary
This paper has discussed the non-lexical conversational
sounds of American English in an integrative way: considering sound, meaning,
and function together, examining these items across variety of roles and
functions, and treating unusual items such as myeah, uh-nh
and un-kay together with better-known items such as uh-huh
and mm.
This has led to a model in which non-lexical conversational
utterances are productive combinations of 10 component sounds. This phonological model differs from
that for the phonology of words, in that it includes nasalization, clicks,
breathiness and creakiness, and in that it excludes all but a few of the phonemes
of lexical English. This model
provides a good match to the 316 conversational tokens observed in a corpus,
and does even better when augmented with the Compatible Meaning Constraint.
The model also associates with each component sound a
meaning or function, implying that these non-lexical utterances exhibit sound
symbolism and that their meanings are largely compositional. These mappings apply to conversational
non-lexical items across roles and across contexts, explaining most of the
meaning of core members of the category of conversational grunts and also
explaining part of the meanings of some other tokens. Although this claim, that sound symbolism is present in
conversational grunts, is largely an extrapolation and synthesis of some
suggestions in the literature, this paper is the first to identify many
specific sound-meaning mappings, the first to present a systematic list of
mappings, and the first to present detailed evidence for
This paper has further shown that this model of
conversational grunt sounds and meanings is plausible in view of the roles that
non-lexical utterances play in human conversation and the constraints of human
cognitive processing.
This paper was based on an integrative (or
broad-and-shallow), bottom-up approach to the phenomena. As such, there are several drawbacks
with the results so far: clearly the analysis is incomplete, is lacking solid
theoretical foundations, and is suggestive rather than definitive. Many questions about non-lexical items
of course remain open, for example: regarding the phonetic details, regarding
the details of how meanings function in specific contexts, regarding mental
representation and processing (Bergen 2004), regarding the nature of variation
in the use and interpretation of these tokens among speakers and among hearers,
and regarding their status as a semiotic system. However this approach was successful to the extent of
leading to a simple model, to a number of far-reaching generalizations, and to
a host of interesting further questions.
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1: All Conversational Non-Lexical Sounds in the Corpus, with Numbers of
<clear-throat> 2 <tongue-click> 22 <click>neeu> 1 <click>nuu 1 <click>ohh 1 <click>yeahh 1 <noisy-inhale> 1 achh 1 ah 6 ahh 1 ai 1 am 1 aoa 1 aoo 1 aum 5 eah 1 ehh 1 h-hmm 1 haah 1 hh 3 hh-aaaah 1 hhh 1 hhh-uuuh 1 hhn 1 hmm 2 |
hmmmmm 1 hn 1 hn-hn 1 huh 2 I 1 iiyeah 1 m-hm 2 mm 2 mm-hm 1 mm-mm 1 mmm 3 myeah 2 nn-hn 4 nn-nnn 1 nu 1 nuuuuu 1 nyaa-haao 1 nyeah 1 o-w 1 oa 1 oh 20 oh-eh 1 oh-kay 1 oh-okay 2 oh-yeah 1 |
okay 8 okay 1 ooa 1 ookay 1 oooh 1 ooooh 1 oop-ep-oop 1 u-kay 1 u-uh 4 u-uun 1 uam 1 uh 36 uh-hn 2 un-hn-uh-hn 1 uh-huh 3 uh-mm 1 uh-uh 2 uh-uhmmm 1 uhh 4 uhhh 1 ukay 2 um 20 um-hm-uh-hm 1 umm 5 ummum 1 |
unkay 1 unununu 1 uu 6 uuh 1 uum 6 uumm 1 uun 1 uuuh 1 uuuuuuu 1 wow 1 yah-yeah 1 ye 1 yeah 70 yeah-okay 1 yeah-yeah 1 yeahh 2 yeahuuh 1 yegh 1 yeh-yeah 1 yei 1 yo 1 yyeah 1 |
2: Counts of Non-Lexical
Occurrences in various positions and functional roles, for all items occurring
2 or more times in the corpus
total |
back- channel |
filler |
dis- fluency |
isolate |
res- ponse |
confirm- ation |
final |
other |
<clear-throat> <tongue-click> ah aaum hh |
2 22 6 5 3 |
1 |
12 3 4 |
1 2 2 1 |
1 2 |
1 |
1 7 |
hmm huh m-hm mm mmm |
2 2 2 2 3 |
2 2 2 |
1 1 |
2 |
1 1 |
7 |
myeah nn-hn oh oh-okay okay |
2 4 20 2 8 |
2 4 6 1 2 |
9 2 |
1 1 |
2 |
5 1 |
uhh ukay um umm uu |
4 2 20 5 6 |
1 3 |
3 1 10 5 2 |
1 8 |
1 |
1 1 |
uum yeah yeahh (other) |
6 70 2 69 |
26 2 32 |
4 19 18 |
2 1 3 |
6 8 |
6 3 |
6 |
2 1 |
4 4 |
total |
316 |
91 |
108 |
44 |
20 |
13 |
8 |
6 |
26 |
3: Phonetic Components of Common
Non-Lexical Items
Sound |
Notes |
schwa /o/ /a/ /e/ |
distribution |
nasalization /m/ /j/ /h/
and breathiness tongue
click creakiness |
distribution limited
distribution |
4: Some Non-Obvious Facts about Conventional American English Orthography for
Non-Lexical Sounds
notation |
value |
notes |
h |
single syllable-final `h] bears no phonetic value; elsewhere `h’ indicates
breathiness |
n |
and /n/ |
<click> |
tongue click |
u |
schwa |
uu |
a syllable, indicates a short creaky or glottalized schwa |
of a letter |
and/or multiple weakly-separated syllables |
(hyphen) |
a fairly
strong boundary between syllables or words |
yeah |
/je@/ |
kay |
as in okay etc. |
gh |
fricative |
rare |
chh |
fricative |
rare |
oop |
/up/ |
rare |
5: Summary of the Meanings Conveyed by some Common Sound Components. Descriptions in the `meaning’ column
are highly abbreviated.
sound |
meaning |
of support in
corpus |
of other support |
/m/ nasalization /h/
and breathiness creaky
voice clicks |
thought-worthy covering
old ground concern claiming
authority dissatisfaction |
strong weak moderate moderate moderate |
strong weak - - - |
/o/ /a/ schwa |
information in
control neutral |
strong weak weak |
weak weak - |
6: Summary of the Evidence for each Sound-Meaning Mapping. `Total' is the total number of tokens
containing the given sound component; this is also the number of tokens for
which the model predicts the presence of the given meaning. `Correct predictions' is the number of
tokens with that sound which do in fact bear the predicted meaning. `Incorrect predictions' is the number
of tokens with that sound which do not bear the predicted meaning. `Unclear' is the number of tokens for
which it is impossible to tell whether the meaning includes the predicted
meaning, generally because the token is `unclear in meaning' in the sense of
Section 5.3. The last row is not the sum of the others due to tokens including
multiple sounds, sound components not covered by the model, and schwa, whose
meaning cannot be observed directly.
sound |
meaning |
total |
predict- ions |
predict- ions |
in meaning |
/m/ nasalization /h/
and breathiness creaky voice clicks |
thought-worthy covering
old ground concern claiming
authority dissatisfaction |
57 21 43 56 26 |
(95%) 11
(52%) 29
(67%) 46
(82%) 20
(77%) |
3 2 2 3 5 |
0 8 12 7 1 |
/o/ /a/ schwa |
information in
control neutral |
47 11 109 |
(94%) 5 (45% - |
2 5 - |
1 1 1 |
tokens |
of all predictions |
316 (100%) |
273 (86%) |
17 (6%) |
25 (8%) |
7: Meanings Speculatively Attributed to Some Prosodic Features
sound |
meaning |
syllabification duration loudness pitch
downslope/upslope pitch
height |
of desire to talk amount
of thought confidence,
importance degree
of understanding / lack thereof degree
of interest |
[1] not to be confused with the nyah-nyah of playground taunts, which is creaky, has a low vowel, and has a pitch downstep
[2] probably due to a sharp pitch downstep and a glottal stop
[3] 2 of these occur where the speaker is somewhat taken aback.
[4] Of these, in 2 cases the sound itself, considered in isolation, does appear to connote a claim of pre-knowledge, but it occurs in a context where it seems unlikely the speaker could really have already known the information the interlocutor had just conveyed. Listening to the conversation after-the-fact, these items seem slightly rude, making the speaker sound like a know-it-all. Given the context, however (all were back-channels, all overlapped long continued speech by the interlocutor, and all occurred at times when the speaker seemed uninterested in the topic), perhaps meaning was merely `I already know as much about that topic as I want to, so we can move on to another topic'. Under this interpretation there is a similarity to the already-known meaning.
[5] and is probably stronger than the other two factors: absence of glottal stop and final pitch rise
[6]Of the remainder, 5 back-channels seemed to indicate boredom, lack of interest, or impatience, 1 annoyance, 3 taking stock after being corrected by the other person, as in Examples 5 and 14, and 1 occurred as the speaker (while driving) was executing a turn and apparently signaled concentration on that to the exclusion of attention to the conversation.
[7]Of the remainder, 5 seemed to simply mark the introduction of a new topic, and 1 marked a shift in conversation style from serious to facetious..
[8]This claim appears to conflict with Bolinger's (1989) remark that “since the vowel is neutral, it fluctuates nonsignificantly, easily verging on [o] or [a]”, but Bolinger was focusing on exclamations of surprise, which may not follow the same rules as more conversational non-lexical utterances (Section 9.4).