CS 5354/4365: Topics in Intelligent Computing/Topics in Soft Computing -- Computational Intelligence for Engineering Solutions: Invariance-Based Approach

Fall 2022

  • Instructor: Vladik Kreinovich, email vladik@utep.edu, office CCSB 3.0404,
    office phone (915) 747-6951
  • Class time: Tuesdays and Thursdays 12-1:20 pm, LART 202
  • Details: Syllabus

Faculty office hours

  • The instructor's office hours are Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:30-3 pm or by appointment.
  • If you want to come during the scheduled office hours, there is no need to schedule an appointment.
  • If you cannot come during the instructor's scheduled office hours, please schedule an appointment in the following way: He will then send a reply email, usually confirming that he is available at this time, and he will place the meeting with you on his schedule.
  • If the meeting is scheduled, but something happened and you cannot come, please let the instructor know about it as soon as possible.

Class overview

Home assignments


Department of Computer Science | The University of Texas at El Paso