Lab Information
Faculty and students at CyWAR conduct cybersecurity-related research with particular focus on software vulnerabilities. The CyWAR team develop training material to teach techniques for identifying, exposing, and mitigating such software security vulnerabilities. We design, develop, and host hands-on cybersecurity workshops for students and cybersecurity professionals in the El Paso area and beyond.
CyWAR is funded through the Army Research Lab's ARL-South Open-Campus Initiative and is the research arm for ARL's Center for Cyber Analysis & Assessment (CCAA).
CCAA and CyWAR have delivered numerous hands-on workshops to over 1000 individuals in total. Such workshops are delivered for faculty and students at UTEP, New Mexico State University, and the University of Texas at San Antonio. In addition, we hosted our first cybersecurity workshop for professionals in August 2017 and was attended by over 20 individuals representing 15 organizations.