Location: UTEP Campus, Chemistry and Computer Science Building CCCB, Room G.0208 on the Ground Floor
Local Organizers: Martine Ceberio, Vladik Kreinovich, Luc Longpre, and Ming-Ying Leung
9:00- 9:05 am opening 9:05- 9:20 am Abdullah Abu-Rqayiq, Department of Mathematical Sciences, NMSU Advisor: Ernest Barany, Department of Mathematical Sciences, NMSU Classification of Singularity for Models with Gaussian Competition and Carrying Capacity functions 9:20- 9:35 am Mahdokht Afravi, Department of Computer Science, UTEP Vladik Kreinovich, Department of Computer Science, UTEP How Do Degrees of Confidence Change with Time? slides in pdf 9:35- 9:50 am Kehinde Akinola, Department of Computer Science, UTEP Ahnaf Farhan, Department of Teacher Education, UTEP Vladik Kreinovich, Department of Computer Science, UTEP Why μp in Fuzzy Clustering? slides in pdf 9:50-10:05 am Fredrick Ayivor, Computational Science Program, UTEP Govinda K.C., Computational Science Program, UTEP Vladik Kreinovich, Department of Computer Science, UTEP Which Confidence Set Is the Most Robust? slides in pdf 10:05-10:20 am Christian Ayub, Department of Computer Science, UTEP Jesus Padilla, Department of Computer Science, UTEP Leobardo Valera, Computational Science Program, UTEP Martine Ceberio, Department of Computer Science, UTEP Interval Computation App 10:20-10:30 am break 10:30-10:45 am Maria P. Beccar-Varela, Department of Mathematical Sciences, UTEP Hector Gonzalez-Huizar, Department of Geological Sciences, UTEP Maria C. Mariani, Department of Mathematical Sciences, UTEP Osei K. Tweneboah, Computational Science Program, UTEP Using wavelet techniques to discriminate between explosions and natural earthquakes 10:45-11:00 am Ramon Bustamante, Department of Computer Science, UTEP Martha Garcia, Department of Computer Science, UTEP Jesus Tovar, Department of Computer Science, UTEP Vladik Kreinovich, Department of Computer Science, UTEP Why Swarms of Agents Are Better than Clouds? slides in pdf 11:00-11:15 am Maria Cruz Quinones, Department of Mathematical Sciences, NMSU Completions of Pseudo-Ordered Sets 11:15-11:30 am Sumi Dey, Computational Science Program, UTEP Maria C. Mariani, Department of Mathematical Sciences, UTEP System of Stochastic Differential Equations Applied to the Study of Prey-Predator Data 11:30-11:45 am Dehzad Djafari Rouhani, Department of Mathematical Sciences, UTEP Some Nonlinear Ergodic Theorems in a Hilbert Space with Applications 11:45-12:00 pm Angel Garcia Contreras, Department of Computer Science, UTEP Leobardo Valera, Computational Science Program, UTEP Martine Ceberio, Department of Computer Science, UTEP System of Stochastic Differential Equations Parameter Estimation of a Dynamic System Using VSPODE 12:00-12:15 pm Asad Ullah Hil Gulib, Computational Science Program, UTEP Raymond Rumpf, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UTEP Numerical algorithm for generating the geometry of Spatially Variant Anisotropic Metamaterials (SVAMs) in 3D circuit 12:15-12:30 pm Jeffrey Hope, Department of Computer Science, UTEP Olga Kosheleva, Department of Teacher Education, UTEP Vladik Kreinovich, Department of Computer Science, UTEP What If We Only Know Hurwicz's Optimism-Pessimism Parameter with Interval Uncertainty? slides in pdf 12:30- 1:45 pm lunch at UTEP Union (sponsored by El Paso Chapter of IEEE) 1:45- 2:45 pm Poster session 2:45- 3:00 pm Lin Li, Department of Physics, UTEP Using computational approaches to investigate mechanisms of molecular motors 3:00- 3:15 pm Ziwei Ma, Department of Mathematical Sciences, NMSU Tonghui Wang, Department of Mathematical Sciences, NMSU Inferences on the location parameter under multivariate skew normal settings 3:15- 3:30 pm Maria C. Mariani, Department of Mathematical Sciences, UTEP Md Al Masum Bhuiyan, Computational Science Program, UTEP Osei K. Tweneboah, Computational Science Program, UTEP Volatility Forecasting of Financial Time Series by Using Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Type Models 3:30- 3:45 pm Maria C. Mariani, Department of Mathematical Sciences, UTEP Hector Gonzalez-Huizar, Department of Geological Sciences, UTEP Md Al Masum Bhuiyan, Computational Science Program, UTEP Osei K. Tweneboah, Computational Science Program, UTEP Analysis of Geophysical Time Series by using Dynamic Fourier Techniques 3:45- 4:00 pm Jose Perez, Department of Computer Science, UTEP Eric Torres, Department of Computer Science, UTEP Vladik Kreinovich, Department of Computer Science, UTEP Towards a Natural Interval Interpretation of Pythagorean and Complex Degrees of Confidence slides in pdf 4:00- 4:15 pm Michael Pokojovy, Department of Mathematical Sciences, UTEP The Taut String Estimator: Weak Convergence and Confidence Bands 4:15- 4:30 pm Andrew Pownuk, Department of Mathematical Sciences, UTEP Jazmin Quezada, Department of Mathematical Sciences, UTEP Ivona Skalna, AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland M. V. Rama Rao, Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad, India Aleskandra Belina, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland Which Method for Solution of the System of Interval Equations Should we Choose? 4:30- 4:45 pm Christian Servin, El Paso Community College Erick Duarte, Department of Computer Science, UTEP Francisco Rodriguez, Department of Computer Science, UTEP Olga Kosheleva, Department of Teacher Education, UTEP Vladik Kreinovich, Department of Computer Science, UTEP Why Boxes for Multi-D Uncertainty? slides in pdf 4:45- 4:55 pm break 4:55- 5:10 pm Christian Servin, El Paso Community College Jason Ivey, El Paso Community College Jacob Loosa, El Paso Community College Teaching Principles of Big Data in Fundamentals of Computer Programming II 5:10- 5:25 pm Christian Servin, El Paso Community College Cara Tang, Portland Community College, Portland, Oregon Cindy Tucker, Bluegrass Community and Technical College, Lexington, Kentucky Elizabeth Hawthorne, Union County College, Union County, New jersey Markus Geissler, Consumnes River College, Sacramento, Califonia Computer Science Curricular Guidance for Associate-Degree Transfer Programs 5:25- 5:40 pm Leobardo Valera, Computational Science Program, UTEP Martine Ceberio, Department of Computer Science, UTEP Reliable Evaluation of the L2-Norm of a Stable Linear Filter Using Interval Constraints 5:40- 5:55 pm Cong Wang, Department of Mathematical Sciences, NMSU Advisors: Tonghui Wang, Department of Mathematical Sciences, NMSU, and Santi Tasena, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Chiang Mai University, Thailand Necessary sample sizes for specified closeness and confidence of two independent-sample data under the skew normal settings 5:55- 6:10 pm Suttisak Wisadwongsa, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Chiang Mai University, Thailand, and Department of Mathematical Sciences, NMSU Advisors: Tonghui Wang, Department of Mathematical Sciences, NMSU, and David Trafimow, Department of Psychology, NMSU Bivariate Quadratic Copula Constructions 6:10- 6:25 pm Yongjian Xie, Shaanxi Normal University, China, and Department of Mathematical Sciences, NMSU Pasting of lattice ordered effect algebras 6:25- 6:40 pm Xiaonan Zhu, Department of Mathematical Sciences, NMSU Advisor: Tonghui Wang, Department of Mathematical Sciences, NMSU Measures of mutually complete dependence for discrete random vectors 6:40- 7:00 pm general discussion: * How to obtain more local high performance computing resources for UTEP and NMSU discussion lead by James Kubicki, Department of Geological Sciences, UTEP * next meetings: suggestions, ideasPhotos: Sponsors: